Twinchantment (Twinchantment Series #1) (paperback)
作者: Elise Allen 
書城編號: 1624060

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Disney-Hyperion
出版日期: 2020/03/03
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781368012461

In the kingdom of Kaloon, nothing is quite as it seems....
"Y-y-y-you," he stammered, and Flissa turned to see he'd gone ashen. "T-t-t-two of you!"Uh-oh. Flissa reached up and checked. Sure enough, her hood had fallen off. Their secret was out.
Princesses Flissa and Sara are even closer than most twins. In fact, most of the kingdom thinks they're the same person.
When magic was outlawed in Kaloon generations ago, twins, black cats, and other potentially -magical beings were outlawed, too. Since they were born, Flissa and Sara have pretended to be one princess, Flissara, trading off royal duties like attending glamorous balls, participating in fencing exhibitions, and making friends with other young nobles, all while hiding in plain sight.
But when the first magical attack in years puts their mother's life in danger, the girls must break the rules that have protected them to save her. Enlisting a brave servant boy and his plucky black kitten as their guides, they set off on an epic quest to the Twists--a forbidden place full of dark magic--to find the evil mage who cursed the queen. With a case of mistaken identity, a wickedly powerful exile out for vengeance, and time running out for their mother, the twins might just need to make their own magic to save the day.
In the first book of this new series, author Elise Allen brings to life a fantastical world filled with high-stakes adventure, incredible twists, and all the spark and humor of sisterhood.
Elise Allen 作者作品表

Untwisted (Twinchantment Series #2) (hardcover)

Twinchantment (Twinchantment Series #1) (paperback)

Twinchantment Book 1 (Hardcover)

eBook: Populazzi (DRM EPUB)

Melody and the Gemini Locket (Paperback)

Barbie Mariposa (paperback)

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