Taking the Reins (an Ellen & Ned Book) (hardcover)
作者: Jane Smiley 
書城編號: 1624152

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2020/03/10
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781524718190
>> 相關電子書

A young rider encounters well-known horses and new friends in the final installment of the Ellen & Ned trilogy by Pulitzer Prize winner Jane Smiley.

Ellen's family has moved to a new town...but some things, like her love for horses, remain the same. Ellen is now the proud owner of her own horse, Tater. She's learning new skills and challenging herself as a rider...but she still can't stop thinking about Ned, the feisty former racehorse she sees on the ranch during her lessons.

In the meantime, Ellen's making new friends and encountering old ones. Most exciting of all is Da, a boy from a riding family who is possessed of a spirit of mischief and daring and knows his own mind.

Ellen still has a lot to learn...about horses, friendship, and herself. And will she ever be able to get Ned off her mind?

Jane Smiley 作者作品表

Lucky (Paperback)

Lucky (Paperback)

Great American Short Stories (Paperback)

Lucky (Hardcover)

Lucky ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Lucky (Compact Disc)

Lucky (MP3 CD)

eBook: Lucky (DRM EPUB)

A Dangerous Business (Paperback)

A Dangerous Business (Paperback)

The Most Important Questions: Reflections on Writing and Reading (Hardcover)

A Dangerous Business: from the author of the Pulitzer prize winner, A THOUSAND ACRES (Hardcover)

A Dangerous Business (Paperback)

eBook: Dangerous Business (DRM EPUB)

A Dangerous Business ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

eBook: Dangerous Business: from the author of the Pulitzer prize winner A THOUSAND ACRES (DRM EPUB)

The Strays of Paris (Paperback)

Charles Dickens (Paperback)

eBook: Charles Dickens (DRM EPUB)

Saddles & Secrets (an Ellen & Ned Book) (paperback)

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