What Are the Paralympic Games? (hardcover)
作者: Gail Herman 
分類: Sports & outdoor recreation (Children's / Teenage) ,
Reference works (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1624234

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Penguin Workshop
出版日期: 2020/03/17
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781524792633

It's time to cheer for the inspiring athletes of the Paralympic Games

As the Opening Ceremony for the 1948 Summer Olympic Games commenced in London, a similar sporting competition was taking place a few miles away. But the men at Stoke Mandeville weren't your typical athletes. They were paralyzed World War II veterans. The games at Stoke Mandeville were so successful that they would eventually lead evolve into the Paralympics. Participants from all around the world vie for the gold medal in a variety of sports, including archery, basketball, swimming, speed skating, and ice hockey. Author Gail Herman highlights their achievements, describes how these athletes train--both mentally and physically--for the games, and gives the reader a better understanding of what makes the Paralympic Games one of the world's most viewed sporting events.

Gail Herman 作者作品表

¿Qué Fue El Holocausto? (Paperback)

What Are the Paralympic Games? (hardcover)

What Are the Paralympic Games? (paperback)

What Is Climate Change? (Paperback)

What Was the Holocaust? (Paperback)

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Zoo Camp Puzzle (Paperback)

Time For School, Little Dinosaur (Paperback)

What Are the Summer Olympics? (paperback)

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The Perfect Pumpkin Hunt (paperback)

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