Kingdom Keepers II: Disney at Dawn (paperback)
作者: Ridley Pearson 
書城編號: 1624677

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Disney-Hyperion
出版日期: 2020/04/14
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781368046268

Award-winning author, Ridley Pearson delivers his 2nd installment in the famed Kingdom Keepers series!

It's supposed to be a happy day at the Magic Kingdom--the return of the teenaged holographic hosts. But things go very wrong when a sudden lightning storm disrupts the celebration, and Amanda's mysterious sister, Jez, disappears. The only clue is the sighting of a wild monkey in the Magic Kingdom during the storm. The mystery deepens as Finn is contacted by Wayne, an old man he hasn't heard from in months. Wayne tells Finn that there's trouble at the Animal Kingdom: the evil Overtakers have gained control of one of the computer servers that will be used to operate Daylight Holographic Imaging there. That means that if any of the holographic hosts fall asleep, they will go into comas--permanently. Filled with action and brimming with the same meticulous detail as The Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark, this second book in the series--Disney at Dawn--is the result of hands-on research behind the scenes at Disney's Animal Kingdom Park. Young and older readers alike will get a glimpse into a second Disney kingdom. The wild rides have only just begun; and the clock is ticking.

Ridley Pearson 作者作品表

Magical Map #2 (Paperback)

Kingdom Keepers: Inheritance: The Final Draw: Kingdom Keepers Inheritance Book 3 (Hardcover)

Kingdom Keepers Inheritance: Villains' Realm: Kingdom Keepers Inheritance Book 2 (Hardcover)

Kingdom Keepers Inheritance (Hardcover)

eBook: Lou Boldt: A Mysterious Profile (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ridley Pearson Suspense Novels: Probable Cause, Blood of the Albatross, Never Look Back (DRM EPUB)

Super Sons: Escape to Landis (paperback)

Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark (hardcover)

Kingdom Keepers II: Disney at Dawn (paperback)

Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark (paperback)

Kingdom Keepers III: Disney in Shadow (paperback)

Super Sons: The Foxglove Mission (Paperback)

Super Sons: The PolarShield Project (Paperback)

Lock and Key: The Final Step (Hardcover)

Lock and Key: The Downward Spiral (Hardcover)

Kingdom Keepers: the Return Book Three Disney at Last (Hardcover)

Kingdom Keepers: The Return Book Two Legacy Of Secrets (Paperback)

Lock and Key: The Initiation (Hardcover)

eBook: Lock and Key: The Gadwall Incident (DRM EPUB)

eBook: White Bone (DRM EPUB)

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