Curious George and the Summer Games (paperback)
作者: H. A. Rey 
書城編號: 1625339

原價: HK$60.00
現售: HK$57 節省: HK$3

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出版社: Houghton Mifflin
出版日期: 2020/06/02
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9780358242215

George is curious about all the field day Summer Games, but what sporting event will he compete in?

Every year, the town has a Summer Games field day, and George wants to join in on the fun, especially if the prize is a medal! But what is the perfect Summer Games event for a little monkey? When George finds a sport that he loves and is a natural at, he must practice, practice, practice. With some teamwork and cheering on the contestants, George is ready to make this the best Summer Games!

H. A. Rey 作者作品表

Happy Easter, Curious George (Paperback)

Curious George: Sweet Surprise (Hardcover)

Curious George: Sweet Surprise (Paperback)

Curious George: Scavenger Hunt (Paperback)

Curious George: Scavenger Hunt (Hardcover)

Curious George: Santa's Helper (Hardcover)

My First Curious George Gift Edition (Hardcover)

Curious George Roller Coaster (Hardcover)

Curious George Colors Eggs (Hardcover)

Curiously Calm with Curious George (Hardcover)

Curious George's Colors: High Contrast Tummy Time Book (Board book)

Hooray for Halloween, Curious George (with Stickers) (paperback)

Curious George Curious about Fall (Tabbed Board Book) (hardcover)

Curious George Goes Swimming (paperback)

Curious George and the Summer Games (paperback)

Curious George Plays Soccer (paperback)

Curious George's Favorite Places: Three Stories in One (paperback)

Curious George Curious about Spring (Tabbed Board Book) (hardcover)

Curious George's Valentine's Day Activity Book (paperback)

Curious George: I Love You (hardcover)

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