Donut the Destroyer (paperback)
作者: Sarah Graley 
分類: Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 8 years  
書城編號: 1625356

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版日期: 2020/06/02
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781338541922

A hilarious and unique graphic novel of friendship, family, and what happens when you defy and exceed expectations.

Donut (middle name: The; last name: Destroyer) has a heart of gold and incredible strength. She lives in a world where everyone is born with a special ability and can choose whether to develop it for good or evil. Donut has just received the best news of her life -- she's been accepted to Lionheart School for Heroes But her parents are the most infamous villains around, and her best friend, Ivy, can't understand why Donut would choose a life of boring heroism and ruin their plans to cause chaos. Donut is determined to prove that, despite her last name, she's meant to go her own way and be a hero. Meanwhile, Ivy cooks up a plan to get Donut kicked out of Lionheart -- and back on track to villainy
Sarah Graley 作者作品表

Minecraft comic: Minecraft comic (Hardcover)

Donut the Destroyer (paperback)

Donut the Destroyer (hardcover)

Kim Reaper Vol. 2 (Paperback)

Glitch (Paperback)

Our Super Adventure: Press Start to Begin (Hardcover)

Kim Reaper: Grim Beginnings (Paperback)

Rick and Morty (Paperback)

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