The Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo (hardcover)
作者: Simone Lia 
書城編號: 1625761

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Candlewick
出版日期: 2020/07/07
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781536207408

Comic artist Simone Lia brings back the unlikely duo from They Didn't Teach THIS in Worm School in another buddy comedy.

Marcus is in trouble. He didn't think his friend Laurence would actually believe him when he said that his super brainy aunt built the very first time machine. He only made up the story in a spur-of-the-moment bid to win a silly argument Now how on earth will he make the story come true? In a quirky new adventure starring the most unexpected of friends -- a worm and a bird -- Simone Lia pulls out all the theatrical stops to deliver a laugh-out-loud companion to They Didn't Teach THIS in Worm School

Simone Lia 作者作品表

The Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo (hardcover)

Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo (Paperback)

eBook: Fluffy (DRM EPUB)

Secret Time Machine and the Gherkin Switcheroo (Hardcover)

They Didn't Teach This in Worm School! (Paperback)

They Didn't Teach This in Worm School! (Hardcover)

Please God, Find Me A Husband! (Hardcover)

Little Giant (Paperback)

Fluffy (Hardcover)

Little Giant (Paperback)

Billy Bean's Dream (Paperback)

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