Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol (hardcover)
作者: Holly Whitaker 
書城編號: 1628815

原價: HK$280.00
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出版社: Dial Press
出版日期: 2019/12/31
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781984825056

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - "An unflinching examination of how our drinking culture hurts women and a gorgeous memoir of how one woman healed herself."--Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed

"You don't know how much you need this book, or maybe you do. Either way, it will save your life."--Melissa Hartwig Urban, Whole30 co-founder and CEO

The founder of the first female-focused recovery program offers a groundbreaking look at alcohol and a radical new path to sobriety.

We live in a world obsessed with drinking. We drink at baby showers and work events, brunch and book club, graduations and funerals. Yet no one ever questions alcohol's ubiquity--in fact, the only thing ever questioned is why someone doesn't drink. It is a qualifier for belonging and if you don't imbibe, you are considered an anomaly. As a society, we are obsessed with health and wellness, yet we uphold alcohol as some kind of magic elixir, though it is anything but.

When Holly Whitaker decided to seek help after one too many benders, she embarked on a journey that led not only to her own sobriety, but revealed the insidious role alcohol plays in our society and in the lives of women in particular. What's more, she could not ignore the ways that alcohol companies were targeting women, just as the tobacco industry had successfully done generations before. Fueled by her own emerging feminism, she also realized that the predominant systems of recovery are archaic, patriarchal, and ineffective for the unique needs of women and other historically oppressed people--who don't need to lose their egos and surrender to a male concept of God, as the tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous state, but who need to cultivate a deeper understanding of their own identities and take control of their lives. When Holly found an alternate way out of her own addiction, she felt a calling to create a sober community with resources for anyone questioning their relationship with drinking, so that they might find their way as well. Her resultant feminine-centric recovery program focuses on getting at the root causes that lead people to overindulge and provides the tools necessary to break the cycle of addiction, showing us what is possible when we remove alcohol and destroy our belief system around it.

Written in a relatable voice that is honest and witty, Quit Like a Woman is at once a groundbreaking look at drinking culture and a road map to cutting out alcohol in order to live our best lives without the crutch of intoxication. You will never look at drinking the same way again.

Holly Whitaker 作者作品表

Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol (hardcover)

eBook: Quit Like a Woman (DRM EPUB)

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