Moral Compass (hardcover)
作者: Danielle Steel 
書城編號: 1629106

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: Delacorte Press
出版日期: 2020/01/07
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9780399179532

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - At an elite private school in Massachusetts, a wide circle of lives will be forever changed by a devastating series of events in Danielle Steel's riveting new novel.

Saint Ambrose Prep is a place where the wealthy send their children for the best possible education, with teachers and administrators from the Ivy League, and graduates who become future lawyers, politicians, filmmakers, and CEOs. Traditionally a boys-only school, Saint Ambrose has just enrolled one hundred and forty female students for the first time. Even though most of the kids on the campus have all the privilege in the world, some are struggling, wounded by their parents' bitter divorces, dealing with insecurity and loneliness. In such a heightened environment, even the smallest spark can become a raging fire.

One day after the school's annual Halloween event, a student lies in the hospital, her system poisoned by dangerous levels of alcohol. Everyone in this sheltered community--parents, teachers, students, police, and the media--are left trying to figure out what actually happened. Only the handful of students who were there when she was attacked truly know the answers and they have vowed to keep one another's secrets. As details from the evening emerge, powerful families are forced to hire attorneys and less powerful families watch helplessly. Parents' marriages are jeopardized, and students' futures are impacted. No one at Saint Ambrose can escape the fallout of a life-altering event.

In this compelling novel, Danielle Steel illuminates the dark side of one drunken night, with its tragic consequences, from every possible point of view. As the drama unfolds, the characters will reach a crossroads where they must choose between truth and lies, between what is easy and what is right, and find the moral compass they will need for the rest of their lives.

Danielle Steel 作者作品表

To Love Again (Paperback)

Once In A Lifetime (Paperback)

A Perfect Stranger (Paperback)

Thurston House (Paperback)

Going Home (Paperback)

Full Circle (Paperback)

Crossings (Paperback)

Summer's End (Paperback)

Remembrance (Paperback)

The Portrait (Hardcover)

The Portrait (Paperback)

Trial by Fire (Paperback)

For Richer or Poorer (Hardcover)

For Richer or Poorer (Paperback)

Triangle (Paperback)

A Mother’s Love (Hardcover)

A Mother's Love (Hardcover)

Joy: Escape with the Sparkling New Tale of Love and Healing (Paperback)

A Mind of Her Own (Hardcover)

Invisible (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

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