「我愛交朋友」(人際關係):有力量去愛人或被愛的人都是幸福的人。 True blessings flow from our ability to love and be loved by others. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第五篇)
「啟發美好德行」(個人品德養成):要平安,得先心安;要心安,須先得理;理得心安,即闔家平安。To live in peace, we must have inner peace. To have inner peace, we must have a clear conscience. When our conscience is clear and our mind at peace, we bring peace and bliss to those around us. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第十三篇)
「擁有健康生活」(行善與關懷):人的心地就像一畝田,若沒有播下好的種子,也長不出好的果實來。 Our mind is like a garden: if no good seeds are sown, nothing good will grow. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第二篇)
「聰明管理情緒」(情緒管理):人生不一定球球是好球,但是有歷練的強打者,隨時都可以揮棒。 In life, not every pitch is easy to hit, but a seasoned slugger is ready to swing at any time. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第一篇)
「學習大智慧」(品格教育與處事道理):聰明的人得失心重,有智慧的人則勇於捨得。 Intelligent people care much about gains and losses. Wise people are willing to let go. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第四篇)