Sins of the Fathers (Paperback)
作者: J Jance 
書城編號: 1638721

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Harper Collins World
出版日期: 2020/04/28
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9780062853448
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Seattle investigator J. P. Beaumont is drawn into an intriguing, and shockingly personal, case in this superb tale of suspense from New York Times bestselling author J. A. Jance.

Former Seattle homicide cop, J. P. Beaumont, is learning to enjoy the new realities of retirementdoing morning crossword puzzles by a roaring fireplace; playing frisbee with his new dog; having quiet lunches with his still working wife.But then his pastcomes calling.

When a long ago acquaintance, Alan Dale, shows up on Beaus doorstep with a newborn infant in hand and asking for help locating his missing daughter, Beau finds himself faced with an investigation that will turn his own life upside down by dragging hisnone-too-stellar past onto a roller-coaster ride that may well derail his serene present.It turns out that, even in retirement. murder is still the name of J. P. Beaumonts game.

J Jance 作者作品表

Sins of the Fathers (Paperback)

Sins of the Fathers (Hardcover)

Field of Bones (Paperback)

Field of Bones (Hardcover)

Proof of Life (Paperback)

Proof of Life (Hardcover)

Downfall (Paperback)

Downfall (Hardcover)

Dance of the Bones (Paperback)

Hand of Evil (Paperback)

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