Amelia Bedelia Lost and Found (Paperback)
作者: Herman Parish 
書城編號: 1638877

原價: HK$50.00
現售: HK$47.5 節省: HK$2.5

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出版日期: 2020/05/05
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.05 kg
ISBN: 9780062961969


Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia

Amelia Bedelia has been loved by fans for more than 50 years, and it turns out her childhood is full of silly mix-ups, too In this Level 1 I Can Read title, Amelia Bedelia loses her tooth. And then she loses it again

Amelia Bedelia has a loose tooth. But no matter how much she wiggles her tooth, it won't fall out. When it finally does, Amelia Bedelia is thrilled. She can't wait for the tooth fairy to come to her house. But then Amelia Bedelia loses her tooth . . . again Will she ever find it?

This Level 1 I Can Read series featuring the childhood adventures of Amelia Bedelia will inspire newly independent readers to laugh, read, and expand their vocabularies.

Herman Parish 作者作品表

Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School Holiday (Hardcover)

Amelia Bedelia's First Vote (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Lost and Found (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia & Friends #3: Amelia Bedelia & Friends Arise (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia 5-Minute Stories (Hardcover)

Amelia Bedelia & Friends #1: Amelia Bedelia & Friends Beat t (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia & Friends #2: Amelia Bedelia & Friends The Ca (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Gets a Break (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #12: Amelia Bedelia Digs In (Hardcover)

Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #12: Amelia Bedelia Digs in (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia on the Move (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia ICR Box Set #2: Books are a Ball Collection (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Makes a Splash (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Storybook Treasury #2 (Classic) (Hardcover)

Amelia Bedelia Takes the Cake (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #10: Amelia Bedelia Ties the Kno (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia on the Job (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia by the Yard (Paperback)

Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set #2 (Hardcover)

Amelia Bedelia Dances off (Paperback)

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