Hi, Just a Quick Question (Paperback)
作者: Beth Evans 
分類: Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction ,
Family & relationships ,
Self-help & personal development ,
Cartoons & comic strips  
書城編號: 1638897

原價: HK$154.00
現售: HK$146.3 節省: HK$7.7

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出版社: Harper Collins World
出版日期: 2020/08/25
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9780062983671


"Human, touching, and hopeful, Beth Evans provides an empathetic guide to navigating some of life's universal challenges." --Sarah Andersen, author of Adulthood is a Myth, Big Mushy Happy Lump, and Herding Cats

Building on the success of I Really Didn't Think This Through, this long-awaited, hilarious sequel by popular Instagram artist Beth Evans (292k followers) offers her take on life's most daunting questions.

With 250 never-before-seen comics, Hi, Just a Quick Question is the follow-up to Beth Evans' wildly popular I Really Didn't Think This Through. Written in a fun Q&A style format, Beth tackles 50 "How do I" style questions with her endearing, self-effacing humor and keen insight for what we as human beings need most to hear: that we're all just figuring it out and that anyone who says (or posts) otherwise is pretending.

A How-to guide from someone who understands many of the day-to-day struggles we can encounter, Hi, Just a Quick Question tackles topics including personal effectiveness, friendship, anxiety, self-care, solitude, and forging our own identities in the world. Sample questions include:

- How do I stop procrastinating?

- How do I express my feelings when the words won't come out?

- How do I deal with emotional dark pits?

- How do I find coping skills that work for me?

- How do I make a self-care routine?

- How do I keep going forward when everything is hard?

- How do I handle people who don't take mental health seriously?

- How do I stay positive?

- How do I learn to love myself in a way that doesn't feel forced?

- How do I know if there's something wrong with me?

Hi, Just a Quick Question is the perfect gift for a new graduate, someone you love, or even for yourself.

Beth Evans 作者作品表

Beginner's Guide to Stained Glass Art (Paperback)

eBook: Thinking of You (but not like in a weird creepy way): A Comic Collection (DRM EPUB)

Hi, Just a Quick Question (Paperback)

eBook: I Really Didn't Think This Through (DRM EPUB)

I Really Didn't Think This Through (Hardcover)

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