Collaborative Governance of Forestry (Hardcover)
作者: Motomu Tanaka 
分類: Earth sciences  
書城編號: 16398276

原價: HK$980.00
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出版社: Univ Of Tokyo Pr
出版日期: 2015/10/20
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9784130770118


This extensive reference writes a modern history of forestry in Japan, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, and other Asian countries, reflecting industrial and colonial exploitation, periods of excessive deforestation, and the alienation of local residents from natural resources. Drawing on their experience as "participant observers" in local practice, the authors suggest new, "inclusive" approaches to forestry governance that support sustainable development, environmental preservation, and productive collaboration by various stakeholders.

The mismatched interests of local citizens and outsiders has split the development of Asia's natural and cultural resources. Taking this complexity into account, the essays in this volume advance a definition of effective governance that achieves more than the successful execution of resource management. It pursues a new vision of society in which all stakeholders collaborate to govern the use of certain resources. This volume outlines two key conditions for effective resource management: sharing and commitment (or graduated membership), which transcend mere material issues to determine the social and cultural value of a resource.

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