Minimal New York City (Paperback)
作者: Michael Arndt 
分類: Humour  
書城編號: 1643007

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Random House USA Inc
出版日期: 2020/06/30
尺寸: 203x203x15mm
重量: 0.7 kg
ISBN: 9780593137291
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Make your way from the Flatiron to Flatbush as an award-winning designer expertly captures New York City with minimalist art and unexpected wit.

Minimal New York City playfully captures the essence of New York with clever pairs of sharp illustrations and cheeky commentary about the city. Historic context for each illustration is revealed in the back of the book, making it an informative experience for anyone who has ever walked through the bright lights of Times Square, paid $13 for an avocado toast, or indulged in Junior's Cheesecake on Flatbush. Minimal New York City is a celebration of what makes New York New York.

As a lifelong resident of New York state who has spent nearly twenty-five years living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Michael Arndt has poured his wealth of insider knowledge into Minimal New York City, a graphic love letter dedicated to the place he calls home. His references run the gamut from visual similarities between Central Park and Brooklyn's parks to the ways in which Times Square has evolved from the '70s to today. His visual and verbal wit make the graphics of New York approachable for New Yorkers and Big Apple fanatics alike.

Michael Arndt 作者作品表

eBook: Snails and Monkey Tails (DRM EPUB)

eBook: rAinbowZ (DRM PDF)

eBook: rAinbowZ (DRM EPUB)

One Yellow Sun (Hardcover)

eBook: One Yellow Sun (DRM PDF)

eBook: One Yellow Sun (DRM EPUB)

Minimal New York City (Paperback)

eBook: Minimal New York City (DRM EPUB)

eBook: My Heart Grows (DRM PDF)

eBook: My Heart Grows (DRM EPUB)

My Heart Grows (Hardcover)

Little Miss Sunshine (Paperback)

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