The Story of Inventions (Illustrated Edition) (Hardcover)
作者: Catherine Barr 
書城編號: 1643276

原價: HK$182.00
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出版日期: 2020/03/03
尺寸: 294x251x10mm
重量: 514 grams
ISBN: 9780711245365

Catherine Barr 作者作品表

A Bear Belongs: A rescue story (Hardcover)

Wildlife Crossings: Protecting Animal Pathways Around the World (Hardcover)

The Story of Dinosaurs: A First Book about Prehistoric Beasts (Hardcover)

Wildlife Crossings: Protecting Animal Pathways Around the World (Hardcover)

Let's Save the Okavango Delta: Why we must protect our planet (Paperback)

The World's Wildest Waters: Protecting Life in Seas, Rivers, and Lakes (Hardcover)

Let's Save the Great Barrier Reef: Why we must protect our planet (Paperback)

The World's Wildest Waters: Protecting Life in Seas, Rivers, and Lakes (Hardcover)

The Tigers' Tale (Hardcover)

Water: How We Can Protect Our Freshwater (Hardcover)

Let's Save the Okavango Delta: Why we must protect our planet (Hardcover)

Let's Save the Amazon: Why we must protect our planet (Paperback)

Let's Save Antarctica: Why we must protect our planet (Paperback)

Let's Save the Great Barrier Reef: Why we must protect our planet (Hardcover)

Invisible Nature: A Secret World Beyond our Senses (Paperback)

Water: Protect Freshwater to Save Life on Earth (Hardcover)

Let's Save the Amazon: Why we must protect our planet (Hardcover)

Hero Academy Non-fiction: Oxford Level 6, Orange Book Band: A Horse Called Ed (1) (Paperback)

Let's Save Antarctica: Why we must protect our planet (Hardcover)

The Sea Swallow and the Humpback Whale: Two Incredible Journeys Across the Sky and Sea (Paperback)

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