Pond Pals (Paperback)
作者: Teresa Bellon 
書城編號: 1643322

原價: HK$112.00
現售: HK$106.4 節省: HK$5.6

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出版日期: 2020/05/19
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9780711250574

Make bath time magical with this stylishly illustrated accordion-fold bath book Splish splash and be amazed as a beautiful black-and-white pond habitat comes to life when brushed with water, revealing a world of color. Smile with frog as she jumps in the water to greet her happy tadpoles and quack at the bumblebee with little duckling as he follows his family through the fish-filled pond.

Keep baby entertained and learning in the bath with Little Hands Bath Books. Babies are born with undeveloped vision and researchers have found that they strongly prefer high-contrast images that stand out in their blurry new world. With an accordion fold and colors that are revealed by water, each of these durable bath books features enchanting, high-contrast illustrations of a lively panoramic scene on one side and individual labeled creatures on the other. Little ones will be enthralled as they develop their vision and language skills, as well as hand-eye coordination. Each book comes beautifully packaged in a plastic-free box.

Teresa Bellon 作者作品表

My School is Cool 100 Piece Puzzle House-shaped Puzzle (Jigsaw)

Together We Are Stronger (Board book)

We Got This! (Board book)

Ocean Adventures (Paperback)

Pond Pals (Paperback)

Toys (Hardcover)

Farm Animals (Hardcover)

Crinkle Pets (Fabric)

Crinkle Jungle (Fabric)

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