Complete Book of Farmall Tractors (Hardcover)
作者: Robert N Pripps 
書城編號: 1644257

原價: HK$450.00
現售: HK$427.5 節省: HK$22.5

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出版社: MBI Publishing Company
出版日期: 2020/06/16
尺寸: 276x235x21mm
重量: 1.22 kg
ISBN: 9780760363898

The Complete Book of Farmall Tractors details the complete evolution of the popular marque's iconic models. The engaging text includes series evolution, historical context, and technical details, accompanied by beautiful contemporary and historic images.

In 1923, International Harvester revolutionized the tractor world by conceiving the Farmall brand, a revolutionary new line of all-purpose tractors designed for small- to medium-sized farms. Eventually offering an array of engine and equipment options, by the 1930s Farmalls were bestowed with letters as their model names, from the compact A, B, and C models to the larger H and M tractors. Fittingly known as the "Letter Series," the tractors were even given a streamlined design by famed industrial designer Raymond Loewy. Not surprisingly, they went on to become some of the most widely produced and best-selling American farm tractors of all time, to be followed beginning in 1954 with the numbered Hundred Series models.

By 1947, Farmall had built over 1 million tractors. Amazingly, many are still in use today, not just as collector vehicles, but often as working farm tractors. In The Complete Book of Farmall Tractors, tractor historian Robert Pripps explores the entire range of Farmall tractors, from their inception to their final model year in 1973. Pripps includes all models, from Diesel and LPG versions to orchard tractors. Pripps also explains the evolution of Farmall lines and gives coverage to the entry-market Cub unveiled in 1947, as well as the Hundred Series, right up to the cancellation of the Farmall name in 1973.

Through engaging text and fascinating photography, The Complete Book of Farmall Tractors preserves the story of the legendary pioneering machines in detail. The book's content is organized chronologically, and its detailed text shines a light on Farmall's long history and evolution. Beautiful images, both modern and historic, bring the story to life and thorough spec tables highlight key technical and performance specifications. The result is the ultimate reference to some of the most popular farm tractors in history.

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