Global Marketing (Paperback)
作者: Svend Hollensen 
書城編號: 1646639

售價: $2333.00

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出版社: Pearson Higher Education
出版日期: 2020/01/13
尺寸: 260x190x30mm
重量: 1.54 kg
ISBN: 9781292251806
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Learn and develop essential skills around core global marketing strategies.

Global Marketing, 8th Edition by Svend Hollensen, has been the definitive guide to international marketing for nearly twenty years and a core textbook for the work of marketers all around the world.

This textbook is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international marketing, as well as any practitioners who wish to take their global marketing strategies to the next level. Fully updated, this new edition covers the latest technologies, trends and practices in Global Marketing, including AI, the shared economy, subscription-based pricing and omnichannel strategies.

Key Features include:

  • A clear structure around the five main decisions marketing executives face in connection to the global marketing processes
  • Numerous pedagogical features such as Exhibits, Key Terms and Questions for Discussion to help you comprehend theory and apply it to the real world
  • End-of-part and end-of-chapter case studies to help you understand how the theory relates to real-world applications
  • Updated case studies, including new chapter cases on Bumble, Jissbon and Waymo

With cutting-edge case studies and a focus on the impact of new technologies on international marketing, this edition continues to be the most up-to-date and comprehensive text around the discipline.

Svend Hollensen 作者作品表

Global Marketing (9 ed) (Paperback)

Marketing: Principles and Practice: A management-oriented approach (Paperback)

Marketing: Grundlagen und Praxis: Ein managementorientierter Ansatz (Paperback)

eBook: Margeting Management, 4th edn, eBook PDF (DRM PDF)

eBook: Global Marketing (DRM EPUB)

Global Marketing (Paperback)

eBook: Global Marketing eBook PDF (DRM PDF)

eBook: Marketing Management, 4th edn, ePub (DRM EPUB)

Marketing Management: A relationship approach (4 ed) (Paperback)

Global Marketing (Paperback)

Global Marketing (6th Edition)

Essentials of Global Marketing (Paperback)

Global Marketing (Paperback)

Marketing Management (Paperback)

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