Maisy Goes to a Show (Paperback)
作者: Lucy Cousins 
分類: Picture books: character books ,
Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1647600

原價: HK$98.00
現售: HK$93.1 節省: HK$4.9

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出版日期: 2020/07/02
尺寸: 190x230x3mm
重量: 44 grams
ISBN: 9781406389302

Maisy is going to her first theatre show! Join Maisy and her friends as they collect their tickets, watch the curtain rise and cheer for their favourite stars. This colourful storybook is perfect for teaching little ones what to expect at a live performance. Now in paperback!Maisy and her friends are going to their first theatre show! It's an all-singing all-dancing play called Funny Feathers, starring the fabulous actress Flora Fantastica! Join Maisy and her friends as they collect their tickets, watch the curtain rise and sing along with their favourite stars.

This read-aloud story from the multi-award-winning Lucy Cousins is perfect for teaching toddlers what to expect when they attend a live performance, from a school production to a West End show, and anything in between.
Lucy Cousins 作者作品表

A Good Place (Board Books)

Maisy Goes on a Bike Ride (Hardcover)

Maisy Loves Butterflies: A Maisy's Planet Book (Board Books)

Maisy Loves Birds: A Maisy's Planet Book (Board Books)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Other Stories (Hardcover)

Maisy Big, Maisy Small: A Book of Rhyming Opposites (Hardcover)

Little Red Riding Hood and Other Stories (Hardcover)

Maisy's Rocket (Board Books)

Maisy's Big Book of Kindness (Paperback)

Maisy's Rocket (Board book)

Maisy Loves Water: A Maisy's Planet Book (Board book)

Maisy Loves Birds: A Maisy's Planet Book (Board book)

Maisy Loves Water: A Maisy's Planet Book (Board Books)

A Maisy First Exeriences book:小鼠梅西逛書店

A Maisy First Exeriences book:小鼠梅西看眼科

A First Words Book:小鼠梅西外出的一天


Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Other Stories (Paperback)

Little Fish's Opposites (Board Books)

Maisy Goes for an Eye Test (Hardcover)

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