Birds: ID Insights (Hardcover)
作者: Dominic Couzens 
分類: Birds (ornithology) ,
Wildlife: birds & birdwatching ,
United Kingdom, Great Britain  
書城編號: 1649482

售價: $252.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2020/07/14
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
ISBN: 9781472982131
>> 相關電子書


Birds: ID Insights is ideal for birders of all levels. Its unique layout, comparing the plumages of similar pairs and groups of species, makes it perfect for identifying the more difficult birds found in Britain and other parts of north-west Europe. It has more images showing how to age birds than any comparable guide, and its handy compact size makes it practical for taking out into the field.
The book is based on a long-running series of identification features in Bird Watching magazine. Author Dominic Couzens and artist David Nurney have spent years compiling the field notes and artworks for this series, and here their efforts are drawn together and made complete in a single volume that is easy to carry in the field and practical for birders to use.
In addition they have expanded the species list from the magazine series and added many new birds, including the likes of Subalpine Warbler, Short-toed Lark, and Red-rumped Swallow. in total, the book covers more than 230 species, with easy-to-identify species such as Magpie and Kingfisher given minimal coverage so that the more difficult ID issues can be covered as fully as possible.

Dominic Couzens 作者作品表

A Year of Tropical Birdsong (Hardcover)

eBook: Hidden Life of Garden Birds: The unseen drama behind everyday survival (DRM EPUB)

The Hidden Life of Garden Birds: The unseen drama behind everyday survival (Hardcover)

An ID Guide to Garden Birds of Britain: and North-West Europe (Paperback)

A Year of Birdsong: 52 Stories of Songbirds (Hardcover)

Save Our Species: Endangered Animals and How You Can Save Them (Hardcover)

eBook: Save Our Species (DRM EPUB)

Songs of Love and War (Paperback)

eBook: Bird A Day (DRM EPUB)

Birds: ID Insights (Hardcover)

100 Birds to See in Your Lifetime (Hardcover)

Wild & Free (Paperback)

Songs of Love and War (Hardcover)

British Wildlife Year (Hardcover)

Extreme Animals (Hardcover)

Tales of Remarkable Birds (Hardcover)

Secret Lives of Puffins (Hardcover)

Top 100 Birding Sites of the World (Hardcover)

Birds: ID Insights (Hardcover)

eBook: Garden Bird Confidential: Discover the hidden world of garden birds (DRM EPUB)

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