Puppet Boy Of Warsaw (paperback)
作者: Eva Weaver 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 1649923

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版日期: 2020/04
尺寸: 198x129x27mm
重量: 379 grams
ISBN: 9781474617147


The story of Mika, a Jewish boy, who finds a way to survive in the Warsaw ghetto - a stunning novel for anyone who was moved by The Tattooist of Auschwitz

I was twelve when the coat was made. Nathan, our tailor and dear friend, cut it for Grandfather in the first week of March 1938. It was the last week of freedom for Warsaw and for us...

Even in the most difficult of lives, there is hope. When Mika's grandfather dies in the Warsaw ghetto, he inherits not only his great coat, but its treasure trove of secrets. In one remote pocket, he finds a papier mache head, a scrap of cloth... a puppet prince. And what better way to cheer the cousin who has lost her father, the little boy who is ill, the neighbours living in one cramped room, than a puppet show? Soon the whole ghetto is talking about the puppet boy - until the day when Mika is stopped by a German officer and is forced into a secret life...

This is a story about survival. It is an epic journey, spanning continents and generations, from Warsaw to the gulags of Siberia, and two lives that intertwine amid the chaos of war. Because even in wartime, there is hope...

Eva Weaver 作者作品表

Puppet Boy Of Warsaw (paperback)

Puppet Boy of Warsaw (Paperback)

Eye of the Reindeer (Paperback)

Eye of the Reindeer (Hardcover)

eBook: Eye of the Reindeer: From the author of The Puppet Boy of Warsaw (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Puppet Boy of Warsaw: A compelling, epic journey of survival and hope (DRM EPUB)

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