What Would Dani Do? (Paperback)
作者: Dani Dyer 
分類: Television ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment  
書城編號: 1652457

原價: HK$112.00
現售: HK$106.4 節省: HK$5.6

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出版社: Ebury Press
出版日期: 2020/09/01
尺寸: 207x124x22mm
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781529104288
>> 相關電子書


THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER - includes brand new chapter, illustrations and photos!

Dani Dyer stole the nation's heart with her genuine warmth and honest personality when she won Love Island. She proves that you don't need to succumb to peer pressure, be swayed by all too perfect Insta-images or behave in a way that's not true to who you are. Her first book shows she is wise beyond her years as she shares her experiences around growing up, bullying, relationships, insecurities and living in the spotlight.

Revealing everything you ever wanted to know about Dani, from dating disasters and life in the Dyer household to how she blow-dries her eyelashes, as well as her hard-learned advice on how to be more confident, What Would Dani Do? offers Dani's unique take on the world and her guide to living your most authentic life.

Always relatable and at times vulnerable, Dani gives a laugh-out-loud and truly heartfelt account of her journey from Canning Town daughter of Danny Dyer, to runaway Love Island winner and the nation's sweetheart.

Dani Dyer 作者作品表

What Would Dani Do? (Paperback)

What Would Dani Do? (Hardcover)

eBook: What Would Dani Do?: My guide to living your best life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: What Would Dani Do?: My guide to living your best life (mp3 zips)

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