Fairy Wisdom Oracle Deck and Book Set (Paperback)
作者: Amy Brown 
分類: Mind, Body, Spirit  
書城編號: 1653207

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: U.S. Games
出版日期: 2020/01/09
尺寸: 190x137x46mm
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9781572819924

Amy Brown's Fairy Wisdom Oracle provides a bridge to the elemental realms, beyond the world we perceive with our senses. These spiritual dimensions are inhabited by charming fairies, angels, dragons, elves and other elemental guides, who interconnect with us for mutual development. Their job is to help us on our spiritual paths and protect us along the way. Use the enchanting cards in Fairy Wisdom Oracle to get acquainted with this welcoming community of fairies, who always have your best interests at heart. The illustrated book provides spiritual guidance in the form of the fairy's wise messages, along with chants to help you focus your intentions and embrace a more positive attitude toward life.Deluxe set includes 64 cards and 140-page illustrated, hardcover book.The Fairy Wisdom Oracle Deck and Book Set was created by popular fantasy artist Amy Brown and her mother Nancy Brown, a metaphysical healer and writer. Both live in the Pacific Northwest.
Amy Brown 作者作品表

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Dark Psychology Secrets & Manipulation (Marathi Edition) (Paperback)

Understanding Food: Principles & Preparation (7 ed) (Paperback)

Dark Psychology: Secrets And Manipulation (Paperback)

Anxiety in Relationship (Paperback)

Covid Babies: How pandemic health measures undermined pregnancy, birth and early parenting (Paperback)

Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation (7 ed) (Hardback)

Informed is Best (Paperback)

Fairy Wisdom Oracle Deck and Book Set (Paperback)

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Guide to Supporting Breastfeeding for the Medical Profession (Paperback)

Positive Breastfeeding Book (Paperback)

Breastfeeding Uncovered (Paperback)

A Good Investment?: Philanthropy and the Marketing of Race in an Urban Public School (hardcover)

A Good Investment?: Philanthropy and the Marketing of Race in an Urban Public School (paperback)

Lab Manual for Brown's Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation, 5th (6 Revised edition) (Paperback)

Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation (5 ed) (Hardcover)

eBook: Jade's Summer of Horses: Pony Tales Book 4 (DRM EPUB)

The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II (Paperback)

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