O Maidens In Your Savage Season 7 (Paperback)
作者: Mari Okada 
分類: Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 1653896

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Kodansha Comics
出版日期: 2020/08/18
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
ISBN: 9781632369185

As a teen, how do you start thinking about sex?

This debut manga from anime legend Mari Okada (Maquia) follows five girls and their five moving, funny, and mortifying answers. Join their bittersweet (and a little spicy) journey from girlhood to... whatever comes next

Anime coming soon


Though Nina's second confounding question was aimed at Izumi alone, she quickly learns other parties are more willing to respond to her invitation. Now Nina stands at a dangerous crossroad, not wholly prepared to interrogate what she really wants from being wanted... Before she can even catch her breath, Nina and her comrades learn of the school's updated policy: No dating under any circumstances. This news comes on the heels of a dear friend being expelled, and the girls know drastic times call for drastic measures--Literature Club, rise up

Mari Okada 作者作品表

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 8 (Paperback)

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 7 (Paperback)

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 6 (Paperback)

O Maidens in Your Savage Season 5 (paperback)

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 3 (Paperback)

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 2 (Paperback)

O Maidens In Your Savage Season 1 (Paperback)

eBook: From Truant to Anime Screenwriter: My Path to "Anohana" and "The Anthem of the Heart" (DRM EPUB)

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