Seven Deadly Sins 37 (Paperback)
作者: Nakaba Suzuki 
分類: Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 1653899

原價: HK$110.00
現售: HK$104.5 節省: HK$5.5

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出版社: Kodansha Comics
出版日期: 2020/03/24
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781632369215

The swashbuckling fantasy action manga that inspired the Netflix Original Series anime

Ongoing series. 13 and up.

Bittersweet Victory

After spending a millennium in Purgatory, Meliodas finally reunites with the rest of The Seven Deadly Sins. Now armed with the strength of his comrades, Meliodas gains the power he needs to not only defeat the Demon Lord once and for all, but to also bring an end to the curse that has plagued him and Elizabeth century after century. But with great power comes great consequences, and in exchange for defeating the Demon Lord, Meliodas decides to leave the world, lest it fall into more terrible ruin. Can Elizabeth and The Sins find a way to get him to stay, or is this one goodbye that will truly be final?

Nakaba Suzuki 作者作品表

The Seven Deadly Sins Manga Box Set 6 (Paperback)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 13 (Paperback)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 11 (Paperback)

The Seven Deadly Sins Omnibus 9 (Vol. 25-27) (Paperback)

The Seven Deadly Sins Manga Box Set 4 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 38 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 37 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 36 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 35 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 33 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 32 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 31 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 30 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 29 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 28 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 27 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 26 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins: Septicolored Recollections (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 25 (Paperback)

Seven Deadly Sins 24 (Paperback)

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