Kid's Guide to Cats: How to Train, Care for, and Play and Co (Paperback)
作者: Arden Moore 
分類: Pets (Children's / Teenage) ,
Wildlife (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1654019

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Storey Books
出版日期: 2020/03/17
尺寸: 229x178x12mm
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781635861013

This fun and practical cat care book written just for kids will guide young cat lovers in how to provide a safe, healthy environment, deliver daily care, and ensure positive interactions and rewarding, long-term relationships with feline friends.

Pet expert Arden Moore helps kids understand how cats think and what they need to be happy and healthy, whether socializing a spunky new kitten or welcoming an adult cat into a household. Along with essentials on topics such as how to read a cat's body language and proper litter box protocol, fun and fascinating features cover the history of cat-human relationships, why and how cats purr, "ask the vet" Q&As, trivia, DIY cat toys, and even tips for training a cat to come when called (yes, you can ).

Information-packed and filled with photography and colorful illustrations that infuse each page with feline energy, A Kid's Guide to Cats equips kids with everything they need to know to be great cat caretakers and companions.

Arden Moore 作者作品表

Kid's Guide to Dogs: How to Train, Care for, and Play and Co (Paperback)

Kid's Guide to Cats: How to Train, Care for, and Play and Co (Paperback)

Fit Cat (Paperback)

Fit Dog (Paperback)

What Dogs Want (Paperback)

Clicker Training (Paperback)

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