First Sh!t Version (Paperback)
作者: Lisa Bean 
書城編號: 1655317

售價: $170.00

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出版日期: 2020/01/15
尺寸: 236x131x13mm
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781781334126


The world is waiting on your First Sh!t Version.

First Sh!t Version is the incredible guide to uncovering your purpose, changing your life and making a living doing what you love. Packed with ideas, wisdom and techniques for positive change, it tells the story of Lisa's journey out of severe debt and life-limiting depression to running a six-figure online business. Lisa's candid, untold stories of her life, tools from her coaching practice and regular invitations to take action take readers on an unforgettable journey of transformation.

When you read this book, you will learn how to:

  • Connect more deeply with your true purpose
  • Change anything or everything about your life
  • Overcome what's holding you back to make a living doing what you love

This book is for the person who wants to gain clarity of purpose, change their life and share their unique gifts to change the frickin' world!

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