Tate: Project Print (Paperback)
作者: Colette Whittington 
書城編號: 1655333

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版社: Ilex
出版日期: 2020/04/07
尺寸: 258x187x14mm
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781781576687

Sketch it, carve it, print it Spark your creativity...

The essential guide to printmaking at home.

Whether you have little experience or lots, this printmaking workshop will get your creative juices flowing. Test out a variety of techniques and inks with 30 step-by-step projects to work through. Incorporating low-cost and low-fi methods, all of the projects can easily be practised at home.

Each exercise focuses on a particular method or material and pairs this with a different theme, from stencil-silhouette greeting cards to block-printed tote bags. Experiment with photomontage, foiling, linocuts and more. Enjoy fresh approaches, try something new and develop your skills with this essential guide.

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