Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Education and the Struggle (Paperback)
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UCL Press
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The essays in this volume - written by some of the most influential authors in the sociology of education and critical policy studies - take the work of educator and sociologist Geoff Whitty as the starting point from which to examine key contemporary issues in education and the challenges to social justice that they present.
Andrew Brown 作者作品表 Wealth Creation: A Beginner's Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom through Trading and Investing (Paperback) Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof (Hardcover) The Philosophy of Physics: Or, Process of Creative Development by Which the First Principles of Physics Are Proved Beyond Controversy, and Their (Pape The Philosophy of Physics: Or, Process of Creative Development by Which the First Principles of Physics Are Proved Beyond Controversy, and Their (Hard eBook: Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof (DRM PDF) eBook: Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof (DRM EPUB) eBook: Heist Men (DRM EPUB) eBook: 50 Finds of Roman Coinage: Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme (DRM EPUB) 50 Finds of Roman Coinage (Paperback) Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Education and the Struggle (Paperback) eBook: Buddhas of Boston Sports: How Bill Belichick Ended The Opioid Crisis (DRM EPUB) Wheatley's Road Traffic Law in Scotland (Paperback) Medieval Bruges (Hardcover) The Philosophy of Physics: Or, Process of Creative Development by Which the First Principles of Physics Are Proved Beyond Controversy, and Their (Pape Company K, Twentieth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry; Roster and Record, April 24, 1861-July 16, 1865 (Paperback) That Was The Church That Was (Paperback) eBook: Church And Society In England 1000-1500 (DRM PDF) eBook: Church And Society In England 1000-1500 (DRM EPUB) eBook: Good Cop, Bad Cop: Confessions of a Reluctant Policeman (DRM EPUB) That Was the Church That Was (Hardcover) 還有... [顯示所有作品]