Ring the Hill (Paperback)
作者: Tom Cox 
分類: Memoirs ,
The countryside, country life ,
Travel writing  
書城編號: 1655852

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Unbound
出版日期: 2021/02/16
尺寸: 198x129x26mm
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781783529018
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"Always engaging, charming, funny and often moving . . . It made me want to pull on my stoutest boots and follow in his footsteps." -- Stephen Fry

"Beautiful, funny, fascinating, impossible-to-categorise . . . Like going on a great ramble with a knowledgeable, witty, engaging friend. Tom Cox brings magic to the most mundane of subjects." -- Marian Keyes

"Sheer bloody genius . . . I loved it. Then I loved it more." -- John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowlands

A hill is not a mountain. You climb it for you, then you put it quietly inside you, in a cupboard marked 'Quite A Lot Of Hills' where it makes its infinitesimal mark on who you are.

Ring the Hill is a book written around, and about, hills: it includes a northern hill, a hill that never ends and the smallest hill in England. Each chapter takes a type of hill - whether it's a knoll, cap, cliff, tor or even a mere bump - as a starting point for one of Tom's characteristically unpredictable and wide-ranging explorations.

Tom's lyrical, candid prose roams from an intimate relationship with a particular cove on the south coast, to meditations on his great-grandmother and a lesson on what goes into the mapping of hills themselves. Because a good walk in the hills is never just about the hills: you never know where it might lead.

Tom Cox 作者作品表

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Villager (Hardcover)

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21st-Century Yokel (Paperback)

eBook: Notebook (DRM EPUB)

Ring the Hill (Paperback)

Ring the Hill (Hardcover)

eBook: Ring the Hill (DRM EPUB)

Help the Witch (Paperback)

eBook: Help the Witch (DRM EPUB)

Nice Jumper (Paperback)

21st-Century Yokel (Hardcover)

eBook: 21st-Century Yokel (DRM EPUB)

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