The Cabinet of Calm: Soothing Words for Troubled Times (Hardcover)
作者: Paul Anthony Jones 
分類: Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem ,
Mind, Body, Spirit ,
Gift books  
書城編號: 1655887

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Elliott and Thompson
出版日期: 2020/05/14
尺寸: 198x129x24mm
重量: 366 grams
ISBN: 9781783964703
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Sometimes we all need a little reminder that it's going to be okay...

Open The Cabinet of Calm to discover a comforting word that's equal to your troubles. The Cabinet of Calm has been designed to be picked up whenever you need a moment of serenity. Just select the emotion listed that reflects whatever you're feeling and you'll be offered a matching linguistic remedy: fifty-one soothing words for troubled times. These kind words--alongside their definitions and their stories--will bring peace, comfort, and delight, and provide fresh hope. Written with a lightness of touch, The Cabinet of Calm shows us that we're not alone. Like language, our emotions are universal: someone else has felt like this before and so there's a word to help, whatever the challenge. So much more than a book of words, The Cabinet of Calm will soothe your soul and ease your mind. It's the perfect gift.

From inside The Cabinet Of Calm... 'RESPAIR' a word for a renewed or reinvigorated hope, or a recovery from anguish or hopelessness. 'WORLDCRAFT' a collective term for the unique skills, wisdom, and experience that an older person has amassed in their lifetime. 'MELIORISM' the belief that all things, no matter how bad, can always be improved - given enough determination from people willing to improve them. 'SYMMACHY' the act of joining or working together to produce a stronger force than could ever be managed individually - especially in order to overcome something that affects us all.

Paul Anthony Jones 作者作品表

A Winter Dictionary (Hardcover)

Why Is This a Question?: Everything About the Origins and Oddities of Language You Never Thought to Ask (Not for Online) (Paperback)

eBook: Why Is This a Question? (DRM PDF)

eBook: Why Is This a Question?: Everything About the Origins and Oddities of Language You Never Thought to Ask (DRM EPUB)

Why Is This a Question?: Everything About the Origins and Oddities of Language You Never Thought to Ask (Hardcover)

eBook: Cabinet of Calm (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cabinet of Calm: Soothing Words for Troubled Times, 'Buy for your friends, keep one for yourself' Simon Mayo (DRM EPUB)

The Cabinet of Calm: Soothing Words for Troubled Times (Hardcover)

Cabinet of Linguistic Curiosities (Paperback)

Accidental Dictionary (Paperback)

Word Drops (Paperback)

eBook: Around the World in 80 Words: A Journey Through the English Language (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cabinet of Linguistic Curiosities: A Yearbook of Forgotten Words (DRM EPUB)

The Cabinet of Linguistic Curiosities: A Yearbook of Forgotten Words (Hardcover)

The Accidental Dictionary: The Remarkable Twists and Turns of English Words (Hardcover)

The Accidental Dictionary: The Remarkable Twists and Turns of English Words (Hardcover)

eBook: Accidental Dictionary: The Remarkable Twists and Turns of English Words (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Word Drops: A Sprinkling of Linguistic Curiosities (DRM EPUB)

Word Drops: A Sprinkling of Linguistic Curiosities (Hardcover)

British Isles (Hardcover)

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