Eat Your Way to a Six Pack (Paperback)
作者: Scott Harrison 
書城編號: 1656572

原價: HK$290.00
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出版日期: 2019/12/02
尺寸: 280x212x20mm
重量: 0.86 kg
ISBN: 9781786236708



On the journey to living your best life, fitness and wellbeing are so important and now we're making it easier than ever.

At The Six Pack Revolution we've helped thousands of people around the world achieve life-changing results through nutrition, fitness and mindfulness.

This book has over 100 recipes packed with layers of flavour and texture, that start with delicious whole foods and are really easy to prepare in your own kitchen.

We'll help you achieve a better understanding of how to fuel your body, train smarter and get into the best shape of your life

Scott Harrison 作者作品表

Eat Your Way to a Six Pack: The Ultimate 75 Day Transformation Plan (Paperback)

eBook: Eat Your Way to a Six Pack: The Ultimate 75 Day Transformation Plan (DRM EPUB)

Eat Your Way to a Six Pack: The Ultimate 75 Day Transformation Plan (Paperback)

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Horus Engines (Paperback)

Horus Engines (Hardcover)

History Zero (Paperback)

Eat Your Way to a Six Pack (Paperback)

Frontier Worlds (Paperback)

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof CD (Audio)

eBook: Shadow of the Machine (DRM EPUB)

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Resurrection Engines (Paperback)

eBook: Masculinities and Music: Engaging Men and Boys in Making Music (DRM PDF)

Music Teacher Attributes, Identity and Experiences (Paperback)

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