One Great Thing (Paperback)
作者: Russell Meagher 
書城編號: 1657069

售價: $110.00

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出版日期: 2019/10/07
尺寸: 213x133x18mm
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781787234147


Tony Dixon works in an unglamorous backwater of a London bank. Trapped in a job he hates, with a girlfriend he doesn't deserve, he's drinking too much and wondering how to escape. One day a letter arrives which should bring him the freedom he craves. Instead, it leads him into a sordid world of Dark Money, tax-dodging plutocrats, crooked journalists and a foul-mouthed peer of the realm. Can he find redemption and win back the women he loves? All it would take is One Great Thing...

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