Don't Laugh Challenge - 11 Year Old Edition (Paperback)
書城編號: 1662135

售價: $117.00

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出版日期: 2019/09/20
尺寸: 156x230x5mm
重量: 92 grams
ISBN: 9781951025205


The Don't Laugh Challenge(TM) - 11 Year Old Edition is HERE

What do Kings study in school?

Their loyal subjects

Welcome to The Don't Laugh Challenge(TM) (A.K.A. The BEST kids joke book and game) If you are open-minded about your kids learning new jokes, becoming more self-confident, AND developing a stronger sense of humor then this book is for you, well really... THEM I'm sure by now you have heard of The Don't Laugh Challenge(TM) Joke Books Series, but in the rare case, you haven't, please allow me to explain what all of the fuss is about

The Don't Laugh Challenge(TM) Joke Books are unlike any other joke books on the market It is not meant to be read in isolation, but instead, it is a game or a challenge that is to be played between friends, siblings, cousins, or any two people who like to tell jokes. In this case, our 6 Year Old Edition is the ultimate showdown between two players or '2 Jesters' that include kid's jokes AND silly scenarios This book is hours of fun, and great gift ideas for 11 year old boys and girls

If you haven't heard of the rules, here they are:

  • Each round is set up so that the 2 jokesters will take turns reading jokes to the other player.
  • Next comes the Silly Scenarios, where each player will read the scenario to themselves, and act it out to get the other player to guess what in the world they are doing (think Charades)
  • Don't forget to use your silliest faces to get your opponent to crack a smile
  • When the person listening laughs or even cracks a smile, the joke teller gets a point.
  • Follow the instructions at the bottom of each page until you tally up the final score and crown the Don't Laugh MASTER

Who should I get this new take on toy for, you ask? Do you know a boy or a girl that likes to laugh?

The Don't Laugh Challenge(TM) game is good for all girls and boys age 11 and up Give it as a stocking stuffer, Christmas gift or present This imaginative book will spark your child's creative side all while being screen-free Some old-fashioned, friendly competition never hurt anybody

Whether you are looking for the newest gifts, games, presents, best sellers, or toys on the market, this renovated classic is a guaranteed hit for all ages Your children will love it and so will you.

Try it today : )

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