Artaud the Momo - and Other Major Poetry (Paperback)
作者: Antonin Artaud 
分類: Biography: literary ,
Poetry by individual poets  
書城編號: 1662975

售價: $168.00

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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2020/08/30
尺寸: 184x121x13mm
ISBN: 9783035802351

Artaud the M mo is Antonin Artaud's most extraordinary poetic work from the brief final phase of his life, from his return to Paris in 1946 after nine years of incarceration in French psychiatric institutions to his death in 1948. This work is an unprecedented anatomical excavation carried through in vocal language, envisioning new gestural futures for the human body in its splintered fragments. With black humor, Artaud also illuminates his own status as the scorned, Marseille-born child-fool, the "m mo" (a self-naming that fascinated Jacques Derrida in his writings on this work). Artaud moves between extreme irreligious obscenity and delicate evocations of his immediate corporeal perception and his sense of solitude. The book's five-part sequence ends with Artaud's caustic denunciation of psychiatric institutions and of the very concept of madness itself.

This edition is translated by Clayton Eshleman, the acclaimed foremost translator of Artaud's work. This will be the first edition since the original 1947 publication to present the work in the spatial format Artaud intended. It also incorporates eight original drawings by Artaud--showing reconfigured bodies as weapons of resistance and assault--which he selected for that edition, after having initially attempted to persuade Pablo Picasso to collaborate with him. Additional critical material draws on Artaud's previously unknown manuscript letters written between 1946 and 1948 to the book's publisher, Pierre Bordas, which give unique insights into the work from its origins to its publication.

Antonin Artaud 作者作品表

Journey to Mexico (Paperback)

The Theatre and Its Double (Hardcover)

The Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Vincent Van Gogh, le suicidé de la société: Un essai d'Antonin Artaud - prix Sainte-Beuve 1948. (Paperback)

eBook: Le theatre et son double (DRM EPUB)

Artaud the Momo - and Other Major Poetry (Paperback)

Heliogabalus, or The Anarchist Crowned (Paperback)

Artaud 1937 Apocalypse - Letters from Ireland. 14 August to (Paperback)

eBook: Le Pese-Nerfs - Fragments d'un Journal d'Enfer - L'Art et la Mort (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Van Gogh le suicide de la societe (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Theatre and Its Double (DRM PDF)

Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Theatre and Its Double (Paperback)

Watchfiends and Rack Screams (Paperback)

The Theater and Its Double

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