袓籍澎湖,台灣高雄市出生,二○○二年以作家身分移居加拿大。專長鋼琴和繪畫,創作小說、散文、童詩、新詩、歌詞等多樣化書寫。在台灣和美國出版十七本著作,前十本以華文為主,後七本以台文、華文和英文為主。代表作長篇小說《井月澎湖》英譯版 《Penghu Moon in the Well》 分別參加法蘭克福、多倫多、台北等國際書展。目前從事英文、台文、華文、英譯。得過三屆高雄市文藝獎、吳濁流文學獎、府城文學台文獎、高雄文學台文創作獎、打狗邑台文新詩獎、文藝協會文藝獎章、台灣省新聞處獎勵優良讀物、宏揚樂教獎、香港職青文藝獎等獎。
Louise Lee Hsiu was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, but her ancestors lived on the island of Penghu. After writing several successful books, Louise moved to Canada in 2002. Her first ten books are written in Chinese, and her last seven books are written in Taiwanese, Chinese and English. Louise's 17 books include novels, essays, poetry and children’s poems. Her historic novel Penghu Moon in the Well was featured at the International Book Fairs in Toronto, Taipei and Frankfurt. She is currently writing in English, Taiwanese, Chinese and English translation. Louise has won more than a dozen Literature Prizes, and she is also an accomplished pianist and painter.
Barbara Ladouceur
加拿大作家Barbara Ladouceur,運用她豐富的編輯和教學技能,協助李秀的書《我是你的新娘》,譯成精美的英語。Barbara Ladouceur is a Canadian writer and editor who has published two books. She has applied her considerable editing and teaching skills to helping Louise translate her book into beautifully written English.
關玉蓮|一位溫哥華醫生的祝福 007
Blessings from A Vancouver Doctor
李錦雯|那隱性穿透的力量 010
e Invisible but Penetrating Force
蘇倩瑩|父親以另種形式和我們在一起 013
Father Stays with Us in Another Form
蘇恩聖|慈悲心,無重量也無止境 019
e Heart of Benevolence Has No Weight or Mass
李 秀|苦難的意義 032
e Meaning of Suering
I 秀泉歌,你愛著你所愛
e Song of HsiuChyuan
1. 午後那道幸福白光 044
e White Light of Happiness in the Aernoon
2. 我的生命本體是四位一體 048
e Substance of My Life is Four-In-One
3. 我是你的新娘 050
I'm Still Your Bride
4. 學術文藝是暫時的美景 054
Both Literature and Art are Temporary Sources of Beauty
5. 當恐懼結束,人生才開始 058
When Fear is Over, Life Begins
6. 相見在秀泉角 062
Meeting at HsiuChyuan Point
7. 秀泉歌,你愛著你所愛 066
e Song of HsiuChyuan
8. 生可以死,死可以生 070
Life Can Die, Death Can Live
9. 把心交出來,就知道宇宙有多愛你 074
Hand Over Your Heart and You Will Know How Much the Universe Loves You
10. 一滴水珠投在大山谷中 078
A Drop of Water in a Huge Valley
II 我還有時間流眼淚嗎?
Do I Have Time for Tears?
11. 當布施成為習慣 084
When Giving Becomes a Habit
12. 生孩子將是男人的事 088
It is a Man's Business to Give Birth to a Child
13. 我還有時間流眼淚嗎? 092
Do I Have Time for Tears?
14. 福是修來,不是求來 096
Merit and Blessings Are Not to Pray for But to Cultivate Instead
15. 我到底要用幾世來渡紅塵? 100
How Many Lives Do I Need to Live Before I Die?
16. 我愛的心弦能量,從何而來? 104
Without You, Where Does My Heartstring Energy of Love Come From?
17. 我和《地藏經》有緣 108
My Destiny with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
18. 默擯,就是不理他 112
Staying Silent Means Ignoring Bad Behavior
19. 胎兒,頭腦還沒長出就有心跳了 116
A Fetus Had Heartbeats Before It Even Had a Brain
20. 我到底是誰呀? 120
Who on Earth Am I?
III 你的愛,我們幫你延伸
We Want to Extend Your Love Everywhere
21. 唯有愛能治癒,因愛而來的痛 126
Only Love Can Heal the Pain Caused by Love
22. 無所從來,亦無所去 130
Neither Come or Go
23. 泣血如實落紅在整片衣裳 134
You Made my Finger Weep Blood at Fell on my Clothing
24. 你的愛,我們幫你延伸 138
We Want to Extend Your Love Everywhere
25. 外婆成熟了 142
Grandma Has Become More Mature
26. 以各種形式變現新貌 146
Appear in Dierent Forms
27. 我是那個偷看書的少女嗎? 150
Am I the Girl Who Sneaked a Look at a Book?
28. 諮詢師如此說 154
us Said the Consultant
29. 兒女的心意,你有感應到嗎? 158
Do You Feel the Kindness of Our Children?
30. 有約在兜率天外院 162
We Had a Deal to Meet at the Outer Court of Tushita
IV 為你超渡,願以肉身修補
I Am Willing to Sacrice My Flesh to Release Your Soul
31. 可以欣賞,但不能貪戀 168
I Can Appreciate You, But Not Cling to You
32. 時鐘,我可以拋開了 172
Now I Can row Away the Clocks
33. 為你超渡,願以肉身修補 176
I Am Willing to Sacrice My Flesh to Release Your Soul
34. 一個外星人的信息 180
Message from an Alien
35. 親情是註定的緣分 184
Family is a Destined Fate
36. 拾起落葉,注視自然的美麗 188
Pick Up the Fallen Leaves and Gaze Upon the Beauty of Nature
37. 祝畢業生,常遭遇挫敗 192
Graduates Oen Suer from Setbacks
38. 解開慈悲密碼,為何是我 196
Why Is It Me Who Has to Change the Password to Mercy?
39. 愛,是親手種下的蓮花 202
Love is A Lotus Planted by Hand
40. 再次像草叢中的花朵 206
Bloom Again Like a Flower in a Grassy Field
V 迎向陽光,飛到伊比利半島
Embrace the Sun and Fly to the Iberian Peninsula
41. 孤獨的選擇 212
e Choice of Loneliness
42. 請借我二諦輕翼飛翔 216
Please Lend Me the Wings of Two Truths with Which I Can Fly
43. 平常心就是道 220
Pure Mind Is the Path
44. 迎向陽光,飛到伊比利半島 224
Embrace the Sun and Fly to the Iberian Peni
「我忙碌奔波,期望每天有一個新的我。」Louise 這樣告訴我,她每在艱難時刻努力攀登之後,這正面的觀點就自然呈現。
Louise 是一個內心充滿憐憫和豐沛情感的美麗女子,她把自己的熱情投入音樂、寫作和繪透過旋律、文字以及畫作,捕捉那些讓她感動激情的事物,如此和鳴協調與她的內在靈性共舞,她在此與您分享她閃耀的生命點滴。
這是我對Louise 和她家人的祝福。
寫於加拿大溫哥華/李秀 譯