Adiós a Dylan / Goodbye Dylan (Paperback)
作者: Alejandro Carrillo Rosas 
書城編號: 16715164

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Literatura Random House
出版日期: 2017/03/28
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9786073150446

"Novela ganadora del Premio Mauricio Achar.

Porque crecer se trata de contestarnos una s la pregunta: How does it feel to be own your own, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?. Una novela inici tica con influencia de la beat generation, un libro sobre los dolos, los pap s y los ideales a los que nos colgamos para crecer.

"Me qued as un buen rato, contemplando al nuevo personaje del espejo, pensando que esta versi n se parec a m s a m mismo que ninguna otra, y que si Sara tambi n ve a a este personaje guapo y misterioso, esta iba a ser una buena historia." Sara, la chava de la que se enamora Omar, un obsesionado fan de Bob Dylan de 19 a os.

Sara, la Diosa Tr gica que coincidentemente tiene el mismo nombre que la primer esposa de su dolo. Sara, el ideal de la pureza y la sordidez que lleva a Omar a un viaje a trav s de la obsesi n y la orfandad. Sara, la encarnaci n de todas las historias que el protagonista quiere vivir para tener "una vida de verdad", llena de mierda y alegr a, virtud y dolor, amor y hambre; una vida afuera de su mente, lejos de su existencia clase mediera.

"...para m de su boca salen figuras de humo, poemas que puedo moldear seg n me convenga", dice Omar en alg n momento. Y ese transformar la realidad en ficci n lo lleva a enfrentarse a s mismo, lejos de la Ciudad de M xico, en Nueva York.
Winning novel of the Mauricio Achar Award.

Because growing up is about answering a single question: How does it feel to be on your own, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone? An initiation novel influenced by the beat generation, a book about idols, parents, and ideals to which we hang on to in order to grow. Sara, the girl that Omar, an obsessed Bob Dylan fan for 19 years, falls in love with. Sara, the Tragic Goddess who coincidentally has the same name as his idol's the first
wife. Sara, the incarnation of all the stories that Omar wants to live in order to have "a real life", full of shit and joy, virtue and pain, love and hunger; a life outside of himself, far from his half-fulfilled existence.

"I stayed like that for a long time, contemplating the new character on the mirror, thinking that this version looked more like me than any other, and that if Sara also saw this handsome and mysterious character, then this was going to be a good story.
"... for me, his mouth lets out smoke signals, poems that I
can shape as I like," says Omar at some point. And that transforming of reality into fiction takes him to face himself, far away from Mexico City, in New York. "

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