A History of Prophecy in Israel - revised and enlarged (Paperback)
作者: Joseph Blenkinsopp 
書城編號: 168623

原價: HK$560.00
現售: HK$532 節省: HK$28

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出版社: Westminster John Knox Press
出版日期: 1996/08
頁數: 291
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9780664256395
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This revised and enlarged edition of a classic in Old Testament scholarship reflects the most up-to-date research on the prophetic books and offers substantially expanded discussions of important new insight on Isaiah and the other prophets.

Joseph Blenkinsopp 作者作品表

eBook: Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins (DRM PDF)

eBook: Luke's Jesus: Between Incarnation and Crucifixion (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Luke's Jesus: Between Incarnation and Crucifixion (DRM PDF)

Beauty of Holiness (Paperback)

eBook: Essays on Judaism in the Pre-Hellenistic Period (DRM PDF)

eBook: Essays on Judaism in the Pre-Hellenistic Period (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Abraham (DRM EPUB)

David Remembered

eBook: Ezekiel: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching (DRM EPUB)

Ezra - Nehemiah (Paperback)

The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First FIve Books of the Bible (Paperback)

Creation, Un-Creation, Re-Creation (Paperback)


eBook: Opening the Sealed Book: Interpretations of the Book of Isaiah in Late Antiquity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: History of Prophecy in Israel, Revised and Enlarged (DRM EPUB)

eBook: History of Prophecy in Israel, Revised and Enlarged (DRM PDF)

A History of Prophecy in Israel - revised and enlarged (Paperback)

eBook: Ezra-Nehemiah: A Commentary (DRM EPUB)

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