Practical Cisco Unified Communications Security (Paperback)
作者: Brett Hall 
書城編號: 1758264

售價: $700.00

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出版社: Cisco
出版日期: 2020/12/16
重量: 0.88 kg
ISBN: 9780136654452


Master the foundations of modern Cisco Unified Communications (UC) system security

This guide helps you build foundational knowledge for securing modern Cisco Unified Communications environments that support voice, video, messaging, and meetings, and support different types of real-time collaboration capabilities based on mobile/remote access and mobile devices based on bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives.

Writing for administrators and managers, two Cisco collaboration experts bring together methods and insights to illuminate both the "why" and the "how" of effective collaboration security. Using the proven "Explain, Demonstrate, and Verify" methodology, they explain each threat, demonstrate remediation, and show how to confirm correct implementation. You'll walk through securing each attack surface in a logical progression, across each Cisco UC application domain.

The authors address key updates to Cisco collaboration architecture, including Expressway, Cisco Meeting Server, encryption enhancements, and advanced business-to-business collaboration. You'll find quick-reference checklists in each chapter, and links to more detail wherever needed.

  • Begin by protecting your workforce through basic physical security and life/safety techniques
  • Understand how attackers seek to compromise your UC system's network environment--and your best countermeasures
  • Maintain security across all UC deployment types n Protect core UC applications by locking down and hardening the core operating system
  • Use encryption to protect media and signaling, and enforce secure authentication
  • Secure Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, and Cisco Meeting Server
  • Deploy Session Border Controllers to provide security controls for VoIP and video traffic
  • Provide additional protection at the edge of the network
  • Safeguard cloud-based and hybrid-cloud services
  • Enable organizations to seamlessly and securely connect to cloud UC services
  • Allow remote teleworker users to connect safely to local UC resources

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