Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology (Edition 3)(Paperback
作者: BRUST 
分類: Neurology & clinical neurophysiology  
書城編號: 17826592

售價: $1372.00

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出版社: McGraw Hill
出版日期: 2019
重量: 0.86 kg
ISBN: 9781259835315
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Practical, up-to-date strategies for assessing and managing the neurologic conditions most frequently seen in adults and children

- Introductory chapters address specific symptoms and diagnostic procedures; subsequent chapters are disease specific and adhere to a standard format, beginning with Essentials of Diagnosis, followed by Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis
- Coverage of disorders in both adults and children
- Thorough coverage of diagnostic tests and the very latest pharmacologic treatments
- Practical information on common conditions such as headaches, movement disorders, and central nervous system infections
- Valuable to anyone who sees patients with neurologic complaints, whether in primary care or the neurology clinic
- Expert help with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, epilepsy, sleeping disorders, dizziness, hearing loss, dementia and memory loss, and more
- Each chapter written by experts in that area, without losing readability or coherence

BRUST 作者作品表

Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology (Edition 3)(Paperback

Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology 3E (Edition 3)(Paperback

Current diagnosis & trtmt in neurology (paperback) (ed 2)

Current diagnosis & trtmt in neurology (paperback) (ed 2)

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