Mcgraw-Hill Education 5 Teas Practice Tests, 4E (Edition 4)(Paperback
書城編號: 17828569

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出版社: McGraw Hill
出版日期: 2021
ISBN: 9781260462951
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Five full-length sample tests provide intensive practice for the TEAS

If you're applying to nursing school, you know that the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is required for admission to many programs, and scoring well is essential to getting into your top choice. With this book, you'll receive intensive practice by taking tests that simulate the real exam in content, question format, and level of difficulty. Five full-length sample tests, thoroughly updated to match the latest version of the test, cover each of the exam's core subjects: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage.

Get intensive TEAS practice with:

    - The most up-to-date changes to the test
    - 5 full-length sample tests that simulate the TEAS exam in content, format, and level of difficulty
    - Complete coverage of all TEAS sections: Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English and Language Usage
    - Thorough explanations for every question
    - Expert tips and strategies to help students on test day

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