Deformation of soils and displacements of structures, volume 2 (out of 4): Proceedings of the tenth European conference on soil mechanics & foundation
作者: ESSMFE Society 
系列: Contemporary Music Studies
書城編號: 182542

原價: HK$2475.00
現售: HK$2351.25 節省: HK$123.75

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出版社: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 1991/01/01
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9789054100034

A collection of the Proceedings of the tenth European conference on soil mechanics & foundation engineering, Florence, 26-30 May 1991. Includes volume 2 out of 4 on the 'Deformation of soils and displacements of structures'.
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ESSMFE Society 作者作品表

Deformation of soils and displacements of structures, volume 2 (out of 4): Proceedings of the tenth European conference on soil mechanics & foundation

Wittke Rock Mechanics 7 Int Cong Aacen Germany 1991 : Vol 1

Erkundung Altlasten 7 S

Tone & Structure Of Words In S

Contemporary Issues In Cross-C

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