物理治療篇 (Physiotherapy)
第 9 章 骨盆底肌肉訓練在婦女泌尿疾病的臨床運用 (Clinical application of pelvic floor exercise in women) 71
第 10 章 電刺激在婦女尿失禁治療的臨床效用 (The clinical utility of electrical stimulation in the treatment of female urinary incontinence) 87
第11章 磁波椅在婦女泌尿疾病的臨床運用(The clinical usage of magnetic resonance chair in urogynecology) 97
第12章 如何運用陰道錐體改善婦女尿失禁(The use of vagnial cone for female stress urinary incontinence) 105
第13章 子宮托在婦女尿失禁治療的角色(The role of pessary use in the treatment of female urinary incontinence) 113
第14章 婦女泌尿疾病藥物治療的綜論(Overview of pharmacologic treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms) 125
第15章 催眠運用在婦女泌尿疾病治療的展望 (The prospect of hypnotherapy in urogynecological disorders) 139
第16章 膀胱鏡在婦科的臨床應用(The clinical implement of cystoscopy) 151