Hasidism (Paperback)
作者: David Biale 
分類: History of religion ,
Judaism: theology ,
Jewish studies ,
書城編號: 1893065

原價: HK$490.00
現售: HK$465.5 節省: HK$24.5

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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2020/04/14
尺寸: 254x178x72mm
重量: 1.54 kg
ISBN: 9780691202440
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A must-read book for understanding this vibrant and influential modern Jewish movement

Hasidism originated in southeastern Poland, in mystical circles centered on the figure of Israel Ba'al Shem Tov, but it was only after his death in 1760 that a movement began to spread. Today, Hasidism is witnessing a remarkable renaissance around the world. This book provides the first comprehensive history of the pietistic movement that shaped modern Judaism. Written by an international team of scholars, its unique blend of intellectual, religious, and social history demonstrates that, far from being a throwback to the Middle Ages, Hasidism is a product of modernity that forged its identity as a radical alternative to the secular world.

David Biale 作者作品表

eBook: Jewish Culture between Canon and Heresy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jewish Culture between Canon and Heresy (DRM PDF)

Hasidism (Paperback)

Gershom Scholem (Hardcover)

eBook: Traditionen der Sakularisierung (DRM PDF)

The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism (Paperback)

eBook: Cultures of the Jews (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (DRM PDF)

Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (Hardcover)

eBook: Blood and Belief: The Circulation of a Symbol between Jews and Christians (DRM PDF)

Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History (Paperback)

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