Gillard's Sting (Main) (Hardcover)
作者: Margaret Duffy 
書城編號: 1893176

原價: HK$294.00
現售: HK$279.3 節省: HK$14.7

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出版社: Severn House Publishers Ltd
出版日期: 2020/12/30
尺寸: 228x150x24mm
重量: 503 grams
ISBN: 9780727890542

The stakes couldn't be higher for Patrick Gillard when he is drawn out of retirement to find a missing former Met commander - but Patrick's not the only one on his tail . . . Patrick Gillard is drawn out of retirement when his former NCA boss, Commander Michael Greenway, appears on his doorstep. John Brinkley, a newly retired commander of the Metropolitan Police, has gone missing, and Greenway wants Patrick to find him. Brinkley is wanted in connection with corruption in the Met, but Patrick is convinced that there's more to his disappearance than meets the eye. Why is Brinkley's old boss, Assistant Commissioner Luke Wallingford, so keen on his arrest, and what does Brinkley know that has the Met, MI5 and dangerous mobsters all on his tail? Patrick and his wife and working partner, Ingrid Langley, soon realize that the stakes are far higher than they imagined - and that someone is prepared to go to any lengths to keep what Brinkley knows hidden . . .
Margaret Duffy 作者作品表

Gillard's Sting (Main) (Hardcover)

Stone Cold, Stone Dead (Hardcover) (Paperback) (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

Stone Cold, Stone Dead: A mystery set in Somerset and London (Hardcover)

Stealth (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

Dark Side (Paperback)

Murders.Com (Hardcover)

Dust to Dust (Main - Large Print) (Hardcover)

Dust to Dust (Hardcover)

Dark Side (Hardcover)

Dust to Dust (Hardcover)

Persuasion Ethics Today (Paperback)

Ashes to Ashes (hardcover)

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Dark Side (Hardcover)

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