Inherit the Shoes (Main) (Hardcover)
作者: E J Copperman 
分類: Crime & mystery ,
書城編號: 1893181

原價: HK$294.00
現售: HK$279.3 節省: HK$14.7

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出版社: Severn House Publishers Ltd
出版日期: 2020/10/30
尺寸: 228x150x24mm
重量: 503 grams
ISBN: 9780727890849
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Lawyer Sandy Moss gets mixed up in a celebrity murder case in LA, in the first in a brand-new cosy legal mystery series.

New Jersey prosecutor Sandy Moss is tired of petty criminals, and a new job at a glitzy Los Angeles law firm seems the perfect career move. Putting 3,000 miles between her and her ex-boyfriend is just an added bonus.

But on Sandy's first morning as a family attorney, she inadvertently kills her new career stone dead when she offends her boss during a meeting with the firm's top celebrity client, charismatic TV star Patrick McNabb. But that's not as dead as Patrick's soon-to-be ex-wife, Patsy, is that evening, when she's discovered shot by an arrow, her husband standing over her.

Did Patrick really kill his wife in a dispute over a pair of shoes? All signs point to yes. But Patrick is determined to clear his name, using all the legal skills he's learned from playing a lawyer on TV, and to Sandy's deep dismay, she's the only person he'll allow to help . . .

E J Copperman 作者作品表

Inherit the Shoes (Main) (Hardcover)

Bones Behind the Wheel (Hardcover)

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