Honestly, We Meant Well (Paperback)
作者: Grant Ginder 
書城編號: 1893787

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版日期: 2020/08/18
尺寸: 210x137x26mm
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781250143167


"This rollicking book has it all: sex, lies, and scenery. Grant Ginder weaves a wonderful, engrossing multi-generational family story, with the Greek isles as a backdrop so beautiful that the reader will want to dive in."--Emma Straub, New York Times bestselling author of The Vacationers and Modern Lovers

An Entertainment Weekly Must Read

Named Best Book of the Summer by: The New York Post - Newsweek - Bloomberg Business Week - Southern Living - Pop Sugar - Parade - The Betches

An irresistible, deftly observed novel about family, regret, and vacation by the author of The People We Hate at the Wedding

Family vacation always comes with baggage.

The Wright family is in ruins. Sue Ellen Wright has what she thinks is a close-to-perfect life. A terrific career as a Classics professor, a loving husband, and a son who is just about to safely leave the nest.

But then disaster strikes. She learns that her husband is cheating, and that her son has made a complete mess of his life. So, when the opportunity to take her family to a Greek island for a month presents itself, she jumps at the chance. This sunlit Aegean paradise, with its mountains and beaches is, after all, where she first fell in love with both a man and with an ancient culture. Perhaps Sue Ellen's past will provide the key to her and her family's salvation.

With his signature style of biting wit, hilarious characters, and deep emotion, Grant Ginder's Honestly, We Meant Well is a funny, brilliant novel proving that with family, drama always comes with comedy.

Grant Ginder 作者作品表

Let's Not Do That Again (Paperback)

The People We Hate at the Wedding (Paperback)

eBook: People We Hate at the Wedding (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Let's Not Do That Again: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

Honestly, We Meant Well (Paperback)

People We Hate at the Wedding (Paperback)

People We Hate at the Wedding (Hardcover)

eBook: People We Hate at the Wedding: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Driver's Education: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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