European Union Politics (Paperback)
作者: John McCormick 
分類: Politics & government ,
EU (European Union)  
書城編號: 1893979

售價: $532.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7-14 天

出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2020/05/26
尺寸: 260x193x38mm
重量: 1110 grams
ISBN: 9781352009699


Cutting through the jargon of EU politics, the third edition of this engaging and informative textbook examines the history, institutions, processes and politics of the European Union with unprecedented clarity. The EU is a fascinating political experiment in regional integration and it has changed our understanding of Europe, how Europeans relate to one another, the role Europe plays in global politics and has even shifted our understanding of politics itself. Helping to make sense of it all in the author's accessible style, this book is underpinned by theory and the latest research throughout. Organised in three main parts, the text covers everything from the history of the EU and its treaties to the institutions that make up the EU and its policies in areas such as the economy, the environment and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

This is the go-to text for all students taking courses or modules on the EU, as well as functioning as an accessible introduction for anyone who wants to find out more about how the EU works and what difference it makes.

New to this Edition:
- Fully updated to take account of the latest developments, including the ongoing Brexit negotiations, the 2019 European Parliament elections and more on the fallout from the euro zone and migration crises
- Two new separate chapters to cover the European Council and the Council of Ministers respectively
- More emphasis on comparative politics throughout to compare institutions and policies
- Expanded debates on key issues of contention in the European project
- Expanded coverage of the most recent research into public opinion in the EU
- New Snapshot features in each chapter focusing on a particular EU country

Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost.

John McCormick 作者作品表

Introduction to Global Studies (3 ed) (Paperback)

Introduction to Global Studies (3 ed) (Hardcover)

International Organizations (Hardcover)

International Organizations (Paperback)

Chinese in Napa Valley: The Forgotten Community That Built Wine Country (Paperback)

The Vegan Desserts: Genius Recipes That Will Forever Change Your Baking Style (Paperback)

A Ballad of Beliefs: The Complete Trilogy (Paperback)

eBook: Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction (DRM PDF)

European Union Politics (Paperback)

eBook: European Union Politics (DRM PDF)

Comparative Government and Politics (Paperback)

Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (Paperback)

eBook: Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cases in Comparative Government and Politics (DRM EPUB)

Introduction to Global Studies (Paperback)

eBook: Seagoing: Essay-memoirs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Seagoing: Essay-memoirs (DRM PDF)

Contemporary Britain (Paperback)

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