New Insight into IELTS - Workbook Audio CD
作者: Vanessa Jakeman 
書城編號: 189432

售價: $233.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

製造商: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2008/04
ISBN: 9780521680943

New Insight into IELTS offers comprehensive preparation and practice for IELTS. By exploring the test paper by paper, and looking in detail at each task type, the course gradually builds up the skills, language and test techniques students need to approach IELTS with confidence. The course contains a detailed introduction to the test and a full answer key and is equally suitable for use in the classroom or for self-study. The material is intended for use with students whose current level is around Band 6 and is suitable for both Academic and General Training candidates.
Vanessa Jakeman 作者作品表

New Insight into IELTS Student's Book with Answers with Test (Hardcover)

New Insight into IELTS Student's Book with answers

New Insight into IELTS - Workbook Audio CD

Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 Cassettes China Edition (Hardcover)

Insight into IELTS

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